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HCVAC PVD Magnetron Sputtering Coating Machine for Kitchen Faucet HCVAC PVD Magnetron Sputtering Coating Machine for Kitchen Faucet HCVAC PVD Magnetron Sputtering Coating Machine for Kitchen Faucet HCVAC PVD Magnetron Sputtering Coating Machine for Kitchen Faucet HCVAC PVD Magnetron Sputtering Coating Machine for Kitchen Faucet HCVAC PVD Magnetron Sputtering Coating Machine for Kitchen Faucet HCVAC PVD Magnetron Sputtering Coating Machine for Kitchen Faucet HCVAC PVD Magnetron Sputtering Coating Machine for Kitchen Faucet HCVAC PVD Magnetron Sputtering Coating Machine for Kitchen Faucet HCVAC PVD Magnetron Sputtering Coating Machine for Kitchen Faucet HCVAC PVD Magnetron Sputtering Coating Machine for Kitchen Faucet
HCVAC PVD Magnetron Sputtering Coating Machine for Kitchen Faucet
HCVAC PVD Magnetron Sputtering Coating Machine for Kitchen Faucet HCVAC PVD Magnetron Sputtering Coating Machine for Kitchen Faucet HCVAC PVD Magnetron Sputtering Coating Machine for Kitchen Faucet HCVAC PVD Magnetron Sputtering Coating Machine for Kitchen Faucet HCVAC PVD Magnetron Sputtering Coating Machine for Kitchen Faucet HCVAC PVD Magnetron Sputtering Coating Machine for Kitchen Faucet HCVAC PVD Magnetron Sputtering Coating Machine for Kitchen Faucet HCVAC PVD Magnetron Sputtering Coating Machine for Kitchen Faucet HCVAC PVD Magnetron Sputtering Coating Machine for Kitchen Faucet HCVAC PVD Magnetron Sputtering Coating Machine for Kitchen Faucet

रसोई के नल के लिए HCVAC PVD मैग्नेट्रॉन स्पटरिंग कोटिंग मशीन

उत्पाद विवरण:

  • प्रॉडक्ट टाइप आभूषण देखो
  • सामान्य उपयोग आभूषण देखो
  • मटेरियल स्टेनलेस स्टील
  • टाइप करें मेटल कोटिंग मशीन पाउडर कोटिंग मशीनें औद्योगिक कोटिंग मशीन
  • कम्प्यूटरीकृत हाँ
  • ऑटोमेटिक हाँ
  • कंट्रोल सिस्टम PLC नियंत्रण
  • अधिक देखने के लिए क्लिक करें

रसोई के नल के लिए HCVAC PVD मैग्नेट्रॉन स्पटरिंग कोटिंग मशीन मूल्य और मात्रा

  • सेट/सेट्स
  • कंटेनर/कंटेनर्स
  • 1

रसोई के नल के लिए HCVAC PVD मैग्नेट्रॉन स्पटरिंग कोटिंग मशीन उत्पाद की विशेषताएं

  • हाँ
  • स्टेनलेस स्टील
  • मेटल कोटिंग मशीन पाउडर कोटिंग मशीनें औद्योगिक कोटिंग मशीन
  • वोल्ट (v)
  • इलेक्ट्रिक
  • एक साल की वारंटी, आजीवन रखरखाव
  • आभूषण देखो
  • PLC नियंत्रण
  • लेप करना उच्च परिशुद्धता
  • हाँ
  • आभूषण देखो
  • व्यास1100*ऊंचाई1000मिमी,व्यास1250*ऊंचाई1200मी मिलीमीटर (mm)
  • सोना, चाँदी, गुलाबी सोना, काला, नीला इत्यादि

रसोई के नल के लिए HCVAC PVD मैग्नेट्रॉन स्पटरिंग कोटिंग मशीन व्यापार सूचना

  • एफओबी शेन्ज़ेन
  • लेटर ऑफ क्रेडिट (एल/सी) टेलीग्राफिक ट्रांसफर (T/T)
  • 60 दिन
  • लकड़ी का पैकेज या कार्टन पैकेज
  • पूर्वी यूरोप पश्चिमी यूरोप अफ्रीका मिडल ईस्ट एशिया
  • ऑल इंडिया
  • सीई, आईएसओ

उत्पाद वर्णन

It equips with the new target and the arc power supply, arc spot is stable. It is not easy running arc, the current is low and ionparticles is small. Applied to metal, ceramics, glass and other materials of the surface coating of hard metal film and metal compounds film. Pumping speed faster, vacuum stability, and superior quality film, widely used in hardware,watches, glasses, tools, dies, metal, glass, ceramics, building materials, and other surface treatment industry.

Why Choose HCVAC system?

Over 3000 plants installed worldwide

High production capability with low energy consumption

अधिक up time due to ease of loading/unloading and low maintenance

High productivity with only a single operator

Steel process chambers, built to last


Space saving design

PVD option available on all plants

1 year component warranty and 25 years minimum guaranteed working life

Complete global network of consulting, engineering and renowned after sales service

We developed a complete after-sales system and effective service measures. Company now owns a professional after-sales service team with more than ten experienced engineers.


ISO 9001 standard to ensure the quality can meet the customers requirements.

Technical parameters:

FAQs of HCVAC PVD Magnetron Sputtering Coating Machine for Kitchen Faucet:

Q: What is the power consumption of HCVAC PVD Magnetron Sputtering Coating Machine for Kitchen Faucet?

A: The power consumption of the machine ranges from 45-150KW.

Q: What is the control system used in this coating machine?

A: The machine uses PLC control system for operation.

Q: What is the warranty provided for this product?

A: The product comes with a one year warranty and lifetime maintenance.

Q: What are the available colors for coating with this machine?

A: The available colors for coating are gold, silver, rose gold, black, blue, and so on.

Q: What is the material used for the construction of this machine?

A: The machine is made of stainless steel.

Tell us about your requirement


Select Unit

  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
Additional detail
मोबाइल number


मैग्नेट्रोन स्पटरिंग कोटिंग उपकरण अन्य उत्पाद